Regenfernsehen Bartomuk
- 1 Prolog 01:45
- 2 Damn Nighttime 05:11
- 3 Regenfernsehen 05:54
- 4 Mary Nice Place 05:23
- 5 I Really Liked It 04:49
- 6 Feder Und Stein 04:28
- 7 Minimal Blues 05:17
- 8 From A Dark And Drafty Street 04:54
- 9 Sirenengesang 03:57
- 10 Desdé 05:07
- 11 Ellipsis 04:56
- 12 Epilog 00:51
Info for Regenfernsehen
The sound of Bartomuk is like a picture book. Mysterious, convoluted, touching. Curious, the listener impulsively opens the book with both hands and the stories come pouring out like a flood of emotion. They'll bring tears to your eyes and lines to your face. Stories. Songs of twisted sirens balanced on the knife edge between bliss and insanity. Tales of the battle with Goliath, the struggle with growing old, the fear of leaving the familiarity of the comfort zone for the harsh light of reality.
Even without words, Bartomuk seems like poetry. Every melody is played for a reason. The musicians weave a subtle collage of sounds, plunging into the endless tonal spectrum offered by voice and instrumentation with childlike abandon. Bartomuk sounds like a dream. Or a nightmare. Deeply melancholic tones drag long forgotten feelings to the surface of consciousness. Only to find that the next moment, musicians and listeners have joined together on a joyful magic carpet ride to the stars, borne on the soft and gentle wind of caprice, under the shimmering blue light of a waning moon.
Julia Kellner, baritone saxophone, bass clarinet
Leonhard Kuhn, guitar
Antonia Dering, vocals, double bass
Sie faucht, er flirrt, es dröhnt.
Sie wabern wellenförmig vor sich hin,
dann strahlt es wieder, krächzt und stöhnt.
Wär’s nicht Musik, wär’s Widersinn.
Wo endet Lärm, wo beginnen Klang und Harmonie?
Die 3 jungen Musiker des Münchner Kollektivs BARTOMUK bespielen genau diese Grauzone, ohne je ihren goldenen Faden und den Grundbaustein aller musikalischen Betätigung aus den Augen zu verlieren zu verlieren: das Geräusch.
Antonia Dering (Gesang, Bass), Julia Kellner (Baritonsax, Bassklarinette) und Leonhard Kuhn (Gitarre, Effekte) verknüpfen sich in herrlich kleinkariertem Minimal, donnern wütend dröhnenden Rock, projizieren farbenprächtige Musikcollagen an jede sich bietende Leinwand.
Booklet for Regenfernsehen