Then, Now, Until Fine

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  • 1Intro03:46
  • 2Empty Space03:48
  • 3Notice02:56
  • 4Shade of Blue02:59
  • 5Everything Everywhere All at Once04:14
  • 6Suspended03:15
  • 7Ode To Pa02:23
  • 8Interlude01:08
  • 9Sunset Road02:07
  • Total Runtime26:36

Info zu Then, Now, Until

“I worked almost exclusively as a solo producer and artist prior to last year, I wanted this project to be a step outside of my comfort zone. By tapping into the collective talent of Molly Rymer, Jess Edie and Jonah Evans, we were able to bring sonic characteristics to the record I never could. Molly’s folk infused vocals, Jess’ timeless R&B lead lines and Jonah’s jazz sensibilities, all allowed me to share influences outside of electronic music.

With themes of friendship, love, journey, loss, and confusion, the 9 tracks aim to take the listener on a sonic journey. Ambient beginnings, followed by hypnotic folktronica beats make way for housey RnB, aggressive trip hop and a 4-track decrescendo that might have you reaching for the tissue box. All compositions are true to me, and the body of work can be best described as a ‘producers’ album’. Never sitting on one genre for too long but providing just enough consistency to make this eclectic collection my strongest work to date. I didn’t set out to write an album, but I’m very glad I did.”


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