FINGERGULL - In festo susceptionis sanguinis Domini Schola Sanctae Sunnivae & Anne Kleivset
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- Ad primas vesperas: The Holy Blood office MS. Add. 47 fol.:
- 1 Ad primas vesperas, antiphona: Super precipuos 01:06
- 2 Ad primas vesperas, antiphona: Ecce advenit dominator Deus 00:44
- 3 Ad primas vesperas, antiphona: Salus aeterna nobis 00:46
- 4 Ad primas vesperas, antiphona: Christus Deus noster 00:46
- 5 Ad primas vesperas, antiphona: Exultemus in Domino 00:59
- 6 Ad primas vesperas, responsorium: Jesu bone 03:35
- 7 Ad primas vesperas, hymne: Salve lux mundi 03:06
- 8 Ad primas vesperas, antiphona ad Magnificat: Ave pater gloriosae 01:43
- Ad matutunas:
- 9 Ad matutunas, antiphona ad invitatorium: Filie Sion venite 03:05
- 10 Ad matutunas, hymnus: Christe redemptor omnium 03:10
- In primo nocturno:
- 11 In primo nocturno, antiphona: Auctor salutis omnium 02:29
- 12 In primo nocturno, antiphona: Beata vere civitas 02:29
- 13 In primo nocturno, antiphona: Clementissime Domine 03:41
- 14 In primo nocturno, responsorium: Dignus es, Domine 02:08
- 15 In primo nocturno, responsorium: O vere digna hostia 02:22
- 16 In primo nocturno, responsorium: Domine Jesu Christe 04:09
- In secundo nocturno:
- 17 In secundo nocturno, antiphona: Domine rex omnipotens 03:06
- 18 In secundo nocturno, antiphona: Gregem tuum Domine 01:55
- 19 In secundo nocturno, antiphona: Da, benignissime Deus 02:10
- 20 In secundo nocturno, responsorium: Verbum patris aeterni 03:16
- 21 In secundo nocturno, responsorium: Primogenito patris 01:49
- 22 In secundo nocturno, responsorium: Completis scriptis 03:01
- In tertio nocturno:
- 23 In tertio nocturno, antiphona: Gratia Dei per Jesum Christum 03:09
- 24 In tertio nocturno, antiphona: Domine fons misericordiae 03:32
- 25 In tertio nocturno, antiphona: Ave regum rex et Domine 02:58
- 26 In tertio nocturno, responsorium: Sanguis tuus Domine 02:15
- 27 In tertio nocturno, responsorium: Gratia dominica 02:07
- 28 In tertio nocturno, responsorium: Summa laus 03:08
- Ad laudes:
- 29 Ad laudes, antiphona: Crux benedicta nitet, Dominus 00:32
- 30 Ad laudes, antiphona: Salvator mundi, salva nos 00:39
- 31 Ad laudes, antiphona: Orabat Christus in caelum 01:00
- 32 Ad laudes, antiphona: Redemisti nos, Deus 00:42
- 33 Ad laudes, antiphona: Ecce de quo Johannes dicit 00:43
- 34 Ad laudes, hymnus: Magne Deus potentiae 02:01
- 35 Ad laudes, Antiphona ad Benedictus: Laetentur omnes populi 02:01
- Ad secundas vesperas:
- 36 Ad secundas vesperas, antiphona ad Magnificat: Rex seculorum 01:51
Info zu FINGERGULL - In festo susceptionis sanguinis Domini
„Blóð várs herra Jesv Christi kom til Niðar ós“ (The blood of our Lord Jesus Christ came to Nidaros). With these words the Icelandic Annales regii for 1165 record the arrival of a drop of Christ's blood in Nidaros, today's Trondheim, in Norway. What had arrived was a precious relic, and, if the information given in the Icelandic annals about the arrival of a holy blood relic to Nidaros is correct, then it was in fact one of the first places to receive such a prominent relic.
Today the Nidaros holy blood relic has disappeared, and many regard the medieval cult of relics as repellent, heathen and, indeed, utterly fanciful. However, if we choose to focus on the main idea lying behind the cult of the holy blood – namely the theme of the redemption of mankind flowing from a substance that descends from the divine – we might perhaps understand the cult's long-standing attraction. This attraction is still operative: who amongst us enlightened contemporaries has not been fascinated by books and films like The Da Vinci Code or Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, which are really just remakes of a tradition traceable through Richard Wagner's Lohengrin or Parsifal back to Chrétien de Troyes's 12th century grail stories and the medieval legends about Mary Magdalene? Schola Sanctae Sunnivae and conductor Anne Kleivset have worked on this material for many years, and they give here the first complete recording of the 'Holy Blood office'.
Schola Sanctae Sunnivae
Anne Kleivset, conductor
Schola Sanctae Sunnivae
The Gregorian chant choir Schola Sanctae Sunnivae was established in 1992 and consists of 12–14 female singers led by founder and conductor Anne Kleivset. The schola chose Norway’s first female saint, the Irish princess Sunniva, as their patron. The ensemble is connected to the Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim. Schola Sanctae Sunnivae has spearheaded the restoration and performance of Gregorian chant material from Norwegian and European medieval sources and earned praise for their work from many leading institutions. The choir has recorded four CD's: De Susceptione Sanguinis Christi (1997), Rex Olavus (2000), Officium et Missae In Nativitate Sancti Ioannis Baptistae (2006) and In Nativitate Beatae MARIAE Virginis (2010). Currently the choir is widely regarded as one of Europe’s leading Gregorian chant ensembles.
Anne Kleivset (*1960) has been the artistic director of the Schola Sanctae Sunnivae since the ensemble was founded in 1992. She holds degrees in Sacred music and pedagogics from the Conservatory of Trøndelag, Norway, and has studied plainchant at the Benedictine Abbey of Solesmes, France, at the Conservatory of Paris, with Rev. Kees Pouderoijen in Vienna, Austria and Eugeen Liven d’Abelardo in Amsterdam, Holland. Apart from masterminding the four CDs already released with the Schola, she has also been instrumental in the production of numerous performances where Gregorian chant meets other means of artistic expressions. For a great many years she has also been working with different folkloristic textures, through concert performances, tuition, choral work, theatre and folklore performances.
Booklet für FINGERGULL - In festo susceptionis sanguinis Domini