Deleuze: Tota pulchra es, amica mea Ensemble Psallentes

Cover Deleuze: Tota pulchra es, amica mea

Album Info

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FLAC 88.2 $ 8,80
  • 1First Vespers of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin31:44
  • 2Magnificat35:29
  • Total Runtime01:07:13

Info zu Deleuze: Tota pulchra es, amica mea

It is a wonderful construction of thirteenth-century chant from a Cambrai antiphoner, with sampled bells, organ, cornetto and voices. It contains, amongst other music, a six-voiced Magnificat by Jean-Pierre Deleuze, who has taken care of the aesthetics of the project from the first until the last second. Highly recommended!

Ensemble Psallentes
Hendrik Vanden Abeele, conductor
Arnaud Van de Cauter, organ
Eva Godard, cornet, recorder
Philippe Souvagie, baritone
Conor Biggs, bass
Pieter Coene, bass
Gunter Claessens, tenor
Paul Schils, tenor
Centre Henri Pousseur: Jean-Marc Sullon, electronics

Keine Biografie vorhanden.

Booklet für Deleuze: Tota pulchra es, amica mea

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