Blow. Donny McCaslin
Album info
Album including Album cover
- 1 What About the Body 04:29
- 2 Club Kidd 04:53
- 3 Break the Bond 09:13
- 4 New Kindness 04:30
- 5 Exactlyfourminutesofimprovisedmusic 04:02
- 6 Tiny Kingdom 06:19
- 7 Great Destroyer 04:22
- 8 The Opener 05:52
- 9 Beast 05:41
- 10 Tempest 01:12
- 11 Eye of the Beholder 04:33
Info for Blow.
Wenige Tage vor seinem Tod im Januar 2016 veröffentlicht David Bowie sein letztes Album Blackstar. Während dieses Album den Schlussstein im Werk dieses legendären Künstlers bildet, markiert es für den Jazz-Virtuosen Donny McCaslin einen Neuanfang. Sein Saxophon und der unverwechselbare Sound seiner Band nehmen eine Schlüsselrolle in der visionären Stilfusion von Blackstar ein.
Jetzt, zwei Jahre nach Blackstar erscheint das neue Album von McCaslin, Blow. Durch Bowies Einfluss entwickelt McCaslin seinen eigenen künstlerischen Ansatz noch vollständiger als bisher. Die Vision von Blow wird von den außergewöhnlichen Stimmen von Mark Kozelek (Sun Kil Moon), Gail Ann Dorsey, Jeff Taylor, dem Sänger und Songwriter Ryan Dahle und den Blackstar-Bandkollegen Tim Lefebvre, Jason Lindner und Mark Guiliana getragen. McCaslin betont die »breite Palette von Stimmungen«, die auf Blow zum Tragen kommt. Sie reichen von Prog-Rock und Art-Rock zu instrumentellen down-tempo Stücken, die von den Beastie Boys und A Tribe Called Quest beeinflusst sind.
"Donny McCaslins neues Album "BLOW" wird dem Albumtitel durchaus gerecht: McCaslins virtuose, spannungsgeladene Herangehensweise an Progrock, Artpop, Hiphop-Fusion und Avantjazz sind so dicht, so komplex und so wagemutig gedacht, als handele es sich um den Nachfolger des Blackstar-Albums. McCaslin ist der Spiritus Rector, der die Songs zu einer Tour de Force werden lässt, in der Soul Coughing, A Tribe Called Quest, King Crimson und Bowie eine kreative Kollaboration eingehen. Die Arbeit mit David Bowie für sein letztes Meisterwerk "Blackstar" war ihm eine prägende Erfahrung, die ihn dazu brachte sein Spiel zu erweitern: er lud charismatische Stimmen wie Mark Kozelek (Sun Kil Moon), Gail Ann Dorsey, Jeff Taylor und Ryan Dahle ein, sowie seine Blackstar-Bandkollegen Tim Lefebvre, Jason Lindner und Mark Guiliana an den 10 neuen Titeln mitzuwirken." (jazz-fun.de)
Donny McCaslin, saxophone
Jeff Taylor, vocals
Gail Ann Dorsey, vocals
Ryan Dahle, vocals, guitar
Ben Monder, guitar
Jason Lindner, keyboards, synthesizer, piano, Wurlitzer, bass
Tim Lefebvre, bass
Nate Wood, bass
Zach Danziger, drums
Mark Guiliana, drums
Steve Wall, drum programming
Eren Cannata, backing vocals
Donny McCaslin
is perhaps best known as the saxophonist on David Bowie’s last album, Blackstar, released days before the singer’s death in early 2016. But McCaslin’s life as a musician stretches back to playing with his father’s band at age 12 in California as well as to years in the New York jazz world.
Donald Paul McCaslin was born in 1966 in Santa Clara, California. In high school, he was already a seasoned musician, leading his band three times at the Monterey Jazz Festival. In 1984, he entered Berklee College of Music on a full scholarship. While there, he was influenced by Gary Burton, Herb Pomeroy, and others, and played regularly in Boston and Cambridge, Massachusetts.
After Berklee, McCaslin toured the world for four years with Burton’s band before moving to New York City. He has played with the Gil Evans Orchestra, Danilo Pérez, Maria Schneider, the Dave Douglas Quintet, and many more. A three-time Grammy winner, he has produced a dozen albums since his first, Exile and Discovery, in 1998. His albums Fast Future (2015), Casting for Gravity (2012), and Perpetual Motion (2010) all featured elements of jazz and electronic music.
In 2014, McCaslin played tenor and soprano saxophone on Bowie’s single “Sue (or in a Season of Crime).” McCaslin says that during work on Bowie’s last album, the singer told him and his bandmates to “just have fun.” The experience was so indelible that McCaslin recently recorded an album about it, Beyond Now.
The saxophonist has kept up his ties with Berklee, leading a Masters on the Road series in May 2016, teaching and leading a group in performances in New Hampshire, Boston, and New York City. He credits his Berklee years with opening up his musical horizons. "Being at Berklee and thrust into this world where the boundaries of music or styles were pretty fluid, that was really a great experience to help me to broaden my musical language.”
This album contains no booklet.